Individual and Public Good from the Perspective of Islam and Competing Schools


Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics of the Research Institute of Hawzah and University


Determining the position of government in economic systems is based on philosophical approaches to the best organization and arrangements of social and economic institutions. Accordingly, the type of relationship between the state and the private sector is one of the main concerns of economic systems based on the anthropological and anthropological foundations of these systems. Human ends and motives of life and economic activities are defined on the basis of these principles, and on the basis of which individual and social behaviors are explained and ultimately the field of activities of the individual and the government becomes known. In this regard, the type of attitude toward the individual, the interest of the individual and society is very influential on individual choices and the decision-making and policy of the state and its sphere of intervention. The category of individualism and collectivism has become a special feature of the new era of social life as a fundamental issue in social science. In response to this question that how the ends and motives mentioned in the Islamic system are explained, this paper, using the method of content analysis and deductive reasoning, while focusing on the philosophical foundations of the existing systems in comparison with the Islamic system, examines the basic issues such as the ends, goals and motives in these systems. Also, by studying the philosophical tendencies of Muslim scholars about individuals and societies, they have addressed the nature of good or individual and collective good. And it tries to identify the status of government in this field. In this regard, it is observed that thinkers who have accepted collective identity do not interpret collective good in individual good and rights, and prioritize collective good because they are more important than individual ones. While those who have not accepted collective identity have reduced collective good to individual rights and made it preferential in terms of giving priority to the collective rights in comparison with individual rights.


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