Overcoming the Challenges of Management in the Waqf Joint Investment Fund from the Perspective of Corporate Governance


Research Institute of Hawzah and University


One of the most important developments in the third millennium in the business world should be to improve the position of the board of directors and to rethink their roles, responsibilities and duties today. Corporate governance includes criteria that can reduce the ability of managers to pursue their own interests by improving the concentration of corporate control, and improve corporate performance. Waqf Joint Investment Fund, like all other companies, suffer from various challenges, despite all the opportunities they have. One of these challenges is the ineffectiveness of management in the Waqf investment funds, which leads to bad behavior of managers. In this paper, the issue of corporate governance has been addressed to overcome this challenge. In terms of corporate governance, to improve the position of welfare funds, the performance of managers must be improved. To this end, you can use a policy package that includes transparency, monitoring, ethics and incentive management. Therefore, in addition to stimulating spiritual and charitable motives, it is possible to use optimal transparency and control, through incentive and punitive policies, to meet and alleviate the challenges of management. This paper has been developed with a library method and to strengthen the position of management in the Waqf funds for the institutionalization of the Waqf culture and the development of endowed (Waqfi) sources.


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