Ijarah Sukuk on creditors' assets; New mechanism to settle government debts through the capital market in Iran


1 PhD of economic jurisprudence, Imam Sadiq University

2 Professor of economics, Research Institute for Islamic Culture and Thought

3 PhD of Financial Management, Imam Sadiq University


One of the main challenges of the the government of Islamic RepublicofIran in recent years has been the government's debt to contractors and the banking system. Enforcement of financial and economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran, increased exchange rate and high inflation during the years 2011 to 2013 and a sharp drop in oil prices over the past few years has led to a decline in government revenues and a serious problem for settling its debt. Hence, the government tried to obtain financial resources with the help of new solutions. One of the ways of financing the government is through the capital market and issuing securities, including government leasing bonds. It is not possible for the government to publish these bonds with conventional models of leasing bonds by corporations; because it involves the sale of government assets to the intermediary entity which itself faced with legal barriers. Thus, the government is addressing new solutions and models for issuing Ijarah Sukuk (leasing bonds).
This article, by applying the descriptive-analytical method, seeks to answer these questions: 1. Is there any possibility to issue public government bonds without using state assets and based on creditors' assets? 2. What are the financial models of state owned Ijarah Sukuk based on creditors' assets? The results show that two models of Ijarah Sukuk can be designed and issued via using credirors` assets. The first model is based on the sale of the property and its lease, and the second model is based on the parallel lease.


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