Investigating the relationship between resistive economy and Islamic economics


Associate professor, Faculty of economics, Imam Khomeini's Educational and Research Institute


Although resistance economics has been introduced mainly as a model of the Islamic economic system, but a clear picture of the relationship between resistance economics and Islamic economics has not been provided. In this article, using analytical methods, the relationship between resistance economics and Islamic economics is explained. According to the hypothesis of the article, resistance economics is one of the major theories of Islamic economics that looks at the analysis of vulnerability and resilience of the economic system with an Islamic approach. The findings of the article show that the definition and explanation of resistance economics as one of the major economic theories of Islam helps to better understanding of the position of resistance economics in the literature of Islamic economics. In this framework, the theory of resistance economics analyzes the causes of economic vulnerability from the Islamic point of view and Islamic strategies to eliminate these harms and strengthen the economic system with an Islamic approach. Of course, the theory of resistance economics can be applied to the temporal and spatial conditions of the Islamic Republic of Iran or other countries and its theoretical dimensions can be expanded. The various theoretical dimensions of the theory of resistance economics are related to other macro theories of Islamic economics in areas such as development and justice. In this regard, the literature of the Iranian Islamic model of development can be improved according to the discussions of the model of economic resilience with an Islamic approach.


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