Prioritizing constituent Elements of resilient economy: An application of Interpretive structural modeling(ISM)


1 -expert of cultural department ,Shahid Beheshti University

2 Associate professor and Faculty member of Islamic Azad university of science and Research Tehran

3 Associate professor of Economy group shahid beheshti university.

4 Associate professor and Faculty member of Islamic Azad university of Tehran North

5 Assistant professor and Faculty member of Islamic Azad university of science and Research Tehran


In order to achieve its revolutionary goals, the Islamic Republic of Iran has faced economic challenges to which the Supreme Leader of the Revolution suggested the resilient economy as a solution.
Prioritizing elements of resilient economy , will help the policy makers to have a better understanding of the conditions in order to adopt a proper decision.
This research was conducted with the aim of identifying and prioritizing the constituent elements of resilient
Economy using the technique of interpretive structural modeling.
This technique is one of the methods of analizing systems that examines the interactions between the system elements.
In order to cluster the elements of resilient economy, the Mic Mac method was used.
Given that this method is based on experts opinion, the opinions of the group of economic experts has been used.
The findings show that “people based economy”,”knowledge based economy “,”reduction in dependency on oil income” and “ the expansion of non-oil exports”, are of great importance among resilient economy elements


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