The effect of social trust on economic growth with emphasis on the case of Iran


1 Member of the Faculty of Sociology Department of the University Research Institute

2 rihu



Today, most social and economic scientists have accepted the important role of extra-economic factors such as social trust in the process of economic development of societies. According to them, public trust affects economic growth not only by creating conditions for cooperation and coordination between individuals and groups and reducing the costs of production, distribution and exchange in the economic system, but also in many other ways. This article, while examining the ways of influencing social trust on economic development, aims to provide a conceptual framework and a practical definition of social trust and its adaptation to the conditions of growth in today's Iranian society. In this research, the method of applying the model of social trust to the last four decades of Iranian society and several approaches have been used for the model of the mechanism of the effect of social trust on economic growth. The article concludes that "responsibility, efficient management, increasing business transactions, reducing possible risks in transactions, increasing domestic and foreign investment, reducing investment costs, creating welfare states" are among the influential mediating factors. are in the mechanism of social trust and economic growth.
