The evoultion of the concept of 'institution' and its implications for institutional studies of Islamic economics and Iran's economy


1 PhD student, philosophy of Islamic economics, the Imam Khomeini Educational & Research Institute

2 Faculty member, Department of Economics

3 Faculty member and dean of Economics Department


While the advent of the related literature in institutional economics enriched the economic analyses, there are still many uncertainties about the concept of institution. Existing ambiguities about this notion, have made applying institutional discussions in Iran's economy and Islamic economics difficult. In this paper, to resolve the above-mentioned problems, the development of the concept of 'institution' in istitutional economics is scrutinized. According to the hypothesis of the article, the concept of 'institution' in an institutional economy is itself an evolutionary process and reflects the combination of formal and informal behavioral rules and structures. The concept of the institution has been introduced in the works of institutionalists in the form of concepts such as 'habits of thought' (Veblen) and 'social customs' (Commons). In the following, Coase considered the institution as a kind of organization; with the capacity of conducting or directing behavior. North's definition of institution consists of both informal constraints (sanctions, taboos, customs, traditions, and codes of conduct), and formal rules (constitutions, laws, property rights). Williamson's four-stage analysis of institution presents the most comprehensive understanding of the institution, which includes the rules of conduct and governance structure. Different accounts/versions of this concept suggested by institutional economists are not necessarily due to their differing philosophical approaches; but  because of different placement of the concept of institution in research problems facing them. Understanding the broad concept of the institution helps to deepen institutional issues in the field of Islamic economics and Iran's economy


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