Countries' joint cooperation in transboundary oil and gas fields


1 Faculty member of Imam Sadiq University

2 PhD student of Imam Sadiq University


The exploitation of 28 Iranian shared oil and gas fields requires special and basic measures. We can’t insist on a unilateral operation and rule of capture in shared resources based on the principle of 'Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources'. Its necessary to move towards joint cooperation with neighboring countries and we have to provide the internal and legal conditions and arrangements to achieve such goal. This article, based on the three dimensions of joint cooperation with neighboring countries, - such as national actions, especially national rules and regulation, interactions with neighboring country and international requirements -examines national laws and regulations and delimitation agreements and compares them with their similar cases in another selected countries. After examination and comparison, came to the conclusion that despite the legislative awareness of the need to cooperate with neighboring countries, in our country, in shared fields in delimitation agreements, there is no reliable national rules and regulations to move toward it. On the other hand, delimitation agreements, in the last half century, have noted to this issue in simple form within one standard clause, but they are stopped in their simple form and there are no changes to improve the situation and prepare the conditions for joint cooperation.


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