Juridical and Legal Analysis of Ownership Institution in Upstream Oil and Gas Contracts


1 (PhD) (corresponding author); Management of international oil and gas contracts, Imam Sadiq University

2 Economics instructor, Faculty of Islamic Theology, Imam Sadiq University

3 Financial management instructor, Faculty of Islamic Theology, Imam Sadiq University


This study explores the concept of social justice based on the ideas of four contemporary theorists, with an emphasis on the nature of justice. Hayek represents libertarians, Rawls as the most prominent political philosopher of current century in the West, and Motahhari and Sadr were selected as Islamic theorists. Hayek only believes in individual justice and maintains that there is no concept as social justice. For him, justice constitutes rules for individual conduct. The concept of “spontaneous order” plays an essential role in his ideas, and he maintains that most of the social phenomena follow such an order.
Rawls’ main goal
 sees ‘justice as fairness’ as answering to the demands of both freedom and equality, a challenge posed by the socialist critique of liberal democracy. In this regard justice is an agreement on principles which is reached arbitrarily in “veil of ignorance”. Rawls's main guide in achieving principles of justice is maximin principle and the lack of awareness of individuals about the future social status. Motahari regards justice as observance of the law. He recognizes both the natural rights of the individual and the legal community. According to Shahid Motahari, the only way to legitimize and validate natural rights is to accept the purpose of the world order. In Sadr's view, although justice is one of the three principles of the general construction of Islamic economics, the position of justice is beyond the core and is the foundation stone of the Islamic School of Economics. Additionally, Islam has shown its sensitivity to the final makeup of facilities in society, with two principles: public cooperation and social balance.


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