The theme network of the principles and foundations of financing seminaries in the light of the upstream documents of the seminary and clergy


1 Research Institute of Hawzeh and University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University and Seminary Research Institute, Qom, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Economics, Qom University, Qom, Iran



Economy as one of the important axes of any organization and as its driving force is very important and effective. This axis in the organization of the field and institution of the clergy has faced many challenges in recent years, some of them are the legacy of the past and some of them are the result of the victory of the Islamic revolution and changes such as the use of the government budget and the functional changes of the clergy, and as a result, the former financial resources and systems It has made it ineffective for the new era. Therefore, it seems necessary to deal with the financing of seminaries in this era. In the meantime, paying attention to the upstream documents of this institution in the second step of the revolution, including the charter of the seminaries, the comprehensive systems of the seminaries, the document of the establishment of the seminaries, etc., can be the main guide to the direction of the activities of the clerical organization and determine the perspective and basic strategy of the institution. It should be taken into account to reach the desired situation. Therefore, in the present research, using the method of thematic analysis, the upstream documents of the domain and the clergy are investigated and the network of its themes is extracted and analyzed. In this regard, 219 basic themes appropriate to the subject were identified, which led to the production of 25 organizing themes and 4 overarching themes. Students and transformation and improvement of the administrative and management system.
