Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment (A Case Study for Iran)


1 Faculty member of Abu Ali Sina University

2 M.A. in Economics


Foreign Direct investment is at the cutting edge of economic growth
and development, filling the saving - investment gap and providing
countries with both technology and modern techniques of
management. The article, here, deals with striking factors which
affected FDI in Iran through ١٩٥٩ – ٢٠٠٣.
The results of the studies approved that FDI depends on: capital
recovery rate, political rights, infrastructures, natural resource
availability, corruption and bureaucratic red tape, human capital,
inflation, exchange and tax rate, market expansion, economic growth,
productivity, domestic investment and openness of the economy. The
evaluation of the presented model shows that: ١) natural resource
availability, human capital and infrastructures have a direct and
positive impact on FDI in Iran, ٢) political rights and dummy
variables of Islamic republic of Iran have affected Iran's FDI
significantly as well as conversely, and ٣) openness of the economy
has positive and insignificant influences and the ratio of government
expenditure to GDP has insignificantly and indirectly affected FDI.
