The Sources of the Industrial Sector Growth of the Economy of Iran


Faculty member of Abo ali sina university


The aim of this study is to assess the role of Total factor Productivity)
TFP) growth, Labor growth and physical capital growth on the
Iranian Industrial and mines Sector growth by applying production
function during the third, fourth and fifth development plan ( ١٩٦٣-
١٩٧٧) and the first, second and third economic, social and cultural
development plan of Islamic republic of Iran(١٩٨٩-٢٠٠٤).
The main findings are as follows:
The sources of the Industrial and mines sector growth order of
Iranian economy in the period of third, fourth and fifth development
plan before the Islamic revolution of Iran (١٩٦٣-١٩٧٧) are physical
capital, labor and TFP growth rate respectively.
٢- The sources of Industrial and mines sector growth order of Iran
in the period of the first, second and third economic, social and
cultural development plan of Islamic republic of Iran (١٩٨٩-٢٠٠٤) are
physical capital, TFP and labor growth rate respectively.
٣- TFP growth, labor and phyical capital productivity growth and
Industrial sector value added growth has experienced sever
fluctuating for the period of ١٩٦٣-٢٠٠٤.
