Economic- jurisprudential analysis of "the option of sale the certificates of deposit" as a liquidity risk hedging derivatives in Islamic Banking; A case study about Iran’s banking system


1 Associate professor in research institute for Islamic culture and thought

2 PhD student of financial management, Imam Sadigh University


Cash is the most important current assets of each bank. Cash increases the financial flexibility of bank and its absence leads to liquidity risk. Generally, the reasons of liquidity risk in banks are summarized in both deposit withdrawal and off-balance sheet commitments. Since the vast deposit withdrawal by customers leads to the risk of bankruptcy for banks and keeping more amounts of the cash reduces bank profitability, using liquidity risk hedging instruments are essential for each bank.
Introducing "the option of sale the certificates of deposit" as a liquidity risk hedging instrument, this paper studies this financial instrument based on Shi’a jurisprudence using descriptive and analytical approach. According to the findings of this study, it is concluded that based on Shi'a Imams' jurisprudence, the contract of sale investment certificates of deposit is a right contract and its application in Islamic banking is permitted.
