Adverse Selection
Unemployment Risk Estimation and Adverse-selection in Coverage of Unemployment Insurance in Iran [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 291-313]
Islamic market as essential goods [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 265-290]
Investigating the effect of decision-making styles on purchasing Iranian goods Case study: Lorestan province [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 303-330]
Budget deficit
A Comparative Analysis of Effects of Borrowing from Central Bank, Bonds, and Islamic Treasury Bills to Finance Government Budget Deficit on Selected [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 203-237]
Capital market
Investigation of Taxation Mechanisms from Tehran Stock Exchange Traders; Providing Policy Guidelines [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 117-141]
Pathology of charity organizations in Iran;
With an emphasis on extracting strategies and policies to promote the charity sector using the SWOT technique [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 203-233]
Comprehensive and systematic approach
Investigation of the possibility of the development of economic knowledge in the Islamic paradigm [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 235-264]
Contextual behavior
Economic analysis of decision-making and human and Islamic values in choosing a spouse [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 315-338]
Pathology of charity organizations in Iran;
With an emphasis on extracting strategies and policies to promote the charity sector using the SWOT technique [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 203-233]
Pathology of charity organizations in Iran;
With an emphasis on extracting strategies and policies to promote the charity sector using the SWOT technique [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 203-233]
Developing Countries
The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Regime in Developing Countries [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 31-57]
A Comparative Analysis of Effects of Borrowing from Central Bank, Bonds, and Islamic Treasury Bills to Finance Government Budget Deficit on Selected [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 203-237]
Economic Growth
Natural Resources and Economic Growth: A Meta−Analysis [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 169-202]
Economic Growth
Comparative comparison of the effect of uncertainty of exchange rate and interest rate on the economic growth and development of selected Islamic and non−Islamic countries [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 331-362]
Economic System
Investigation of Taxation Mechanisms from Tehran Stock Exchange Traders; Providing Policy Guidelines [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 117-141]
Economic System
Epistemological foundations of Islamic economic knowledge"value of recognition" [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 59-91]
Estimation of the transaction costs of Bank Melli Iran credits in the form of selected Islamic contracts [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 117-145]
Epistemological foundations of Islamic economic knowledge"value of recognition" [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 59-91]
Essential Goods
Islamic market as essential goods [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 265-290]
Exchange contracts
Modeling the determination of the interest rate and checking its regularity in Iran's usury-free banking [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 33-59]
Exchange Rate Regime
The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Regime in Developing Countries [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 31-57]
Factors of Production
Compensation for Factors of Production's Services under Uncertainty: Fixed Payment versus Profit-Loss Sharing Methods [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 7-29]
Family economics
Economic analysis of decision-making and human and Islamic values in choosing a spouse [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 315-338]
Feasibility Study
Investigation of the possibility of the development of economic knowledge in the Islamic paradigm [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 235-264]
Fixed Payment
Compensation for Factors of Production's Services under Uncertainty: Fixed Payment versus Profit-Loss Sharing Methods [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 7-29]
The curse of oil, taxes, and democracy in oil-dependent countries:
The application of the systematic GMM approach [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 147-175]
Government Finance Budget
Investigation of Taxation Mechanisms from Tehran Stock Exchange Traders; Providing Policy Guidelines [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 117-141]
Imamiah jurisprudence
Presentation of the criteria for verifying the predominance of fixed assets in shares as the basis for issuing Ijarah Sukuk [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 177-202]
Estimation of the transaction costs of Bank Melli Iran credits in the form of selected Islamic contracts [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 117-145]
Interest rate
Modeling the determination of the interest rate and checking its regularity in Iran's usury-free banking [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 33-59]
Identification of the behavioral pattern of Iranian households in asset management and the determinants of their financial plans [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 93-115]
Iranian households
Identification of the behavioral pattern of Iranian households in asset management and the determinants of their financial plans [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 93-115]
Iranian Product
Investigating the effect of decision-making styles on purchasing Iranian goods Case study: Lorestan province [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 303-330]
Islamic market as essential goods [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 265-290]
Islamic banking operations
Estimation of the transaction costs of Bank Melli Iran credits in the form of selected Islamic contracts [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 117-145]
Islamic countries
Comparative comparison of the effect of uncertainty of exchange rate and interest rate on the economic growth and development of selected Islamic and non−Islamic countries [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 331-362]
Islamic Economics
Investigation of the possibility of the development of economic knowledge in the Islamic paradigm [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 235-264]
Islamic Financing
Designing the development framework of the Socially Responsible Investment Securities (Sukuk) in the capital market of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 267-301]
Islamic Market Demand
Islamic market as essential goods [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 265-290]
Islamic Market Supply
Islamic market as essential goods [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 265-290]
Islamic treasury bills
A Comparative Analysis of Effects of Borrowing from Central Bank, Bonds, and Islamic Treasury Bills to Finance Government Budget Deficit on Selected [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 203-237]
Economic analysis of decision-making and human and Islamic values in choosing a spouse [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 315-338]
Melli bank
Estimation of the transaction costs of Bank Melli Iran credits in the form of selected Islamic contracts [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 117-145]
Natural Resources and Economic Growth: A Meta−Analysis [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 169-202]
A Methodological Critique of Classical Financial Economics:
Behavioral financial considerations [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 61-92]
The conflict between the interests of the bank and the society in the capitalist system based on money management according to Hyman Minsky's opinions; With the presentation of implications for Iran's economy [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 9-32]
Money creation
The conflict between the interests of the bank and the society in the capitalist system based on money management according to Hyman Minsky's opinions; With the presentation of implications for Iran's economy [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 9-32]
Municipal Financing
Estimating the Financing Capacity of the Municipality Using the third Sector of the Economy by Issuing Waqf Bonds (Case Study: Qom city) [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 239-266]
Natural Resources
Natural Resources and Economic Growth: A Meta−Analysis [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 169-202]
Scarcity as a choice: Islamic Approach [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 93-116]
Oil Revenues
The curse of oil, taxes, and democracy in oil-dependent countries:
The application of the systematic GMM approach [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 147-175]
Oil-rich Countries
The curse of oil, taxes, and democracy in oil-dependent countries:
The application of the systematic GMM approach [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 147-175]
Ordered Logit
The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Regime in Developing Countries [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 31-57]
Ordered Probit
The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Regime in Developing Countries [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 31-57]
Pathology of charity organizations in Iran;
With an emphasis on extracting strategies and policies to promote the charity sector using the SWOT technique [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 203-233]
Philosophy of financial
A Methodological Critique of Classical Financial Economics:
Behavioral financial considerations [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 61-92]
Political Economy
The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Regime in Developing Countries [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 31-57]
Positive and normative
Investigation of the possibility of the development of economic knowledge in the Islamic paradigm [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 235-264]
Profit-Loss Sharing
Compensation for Factors of Production's Services under Uncertainty: Fixed Payment versus Profit-Loss Sharing Methods [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 7-29]
Public Finance
Estimating the Financing Capacity of the Municipality Using the third Sector of the Economy by Issuing Waqf Bonds (Case Study: Qom city) [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 239-266]
Rational decision-making
Economic analysis of decision-making and human and Islamic values in choosing a spouse [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 315-338]
Regularity and discretion
Modeling the determination of the interest rate and checking its regularity in Iran's usury-free banking [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 33-59]
Rentable property
Presentation of the criteria for verifying the predominance of fixed assets in shares as the basis for issuing Ijarah Sukuk [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 177-202]
Scarcity as a choice: Islamic Approach [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 93-116]
Scarcity as a choice: Islamic Approach [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 93-116]
Socially Responsible Investment Sukuk
Designing the development framework of the Socially Responsible Investment Securities (Sukuk) in the capital market of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 267-301]
The conflict between the interests of the bank and the society in the capitalist system based on money management according to Hyman Minsky's opinions; With the presentation of implications for Iran's economy [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 9-32]
Study approaches
Investigation of the possibility of the development of economic knowledge in the Islamic paradigm [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 235-264]
Designing the development framework of the Socially Responsible Investment Securities (Sukuk) in the capital market of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 267-301]
Pathology of charity organizations in Iran;
With an emphasis on extracting strategies and policies to promote the charity sector using the SWOT technique [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 203-233]
Modeling the determination of the interest rate and checking its regularity in Iran's usury-free banking [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 33-59]
Investigation of Taxation Mechanisms from Tehran Stock Exchange Traders; Providing Policy Guidelines [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 117-141]
Tax Revenues
The curse of oil, taxes, and democracy in oil-dependent countries:
The application of the systematic GMM approach [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 147-175]
Taylor's rule
Modeling the determination of the interest rate and checking its regularity in Iran's usury-free banking [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 33-59]
The Third Sector of the Economy
Estimating the Financing Capacity of the Municipality Using the third Sector of the Economy by Issuing Waqf Bonds (Case Study: Qom city) [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 239-266]
Transaction Cost Economics
Estimation of the transaction costs of Bank Melli Iran credits in the form of selected Islamic contracts [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 117-145]
Compensation for Factors of Production's Services under Uncertainty: Fixed Payment versus Profit-Loss Sharing Methods [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 7-29]
Unemployment insurance
Unemployment Risk Estimation and Adverse-selection in Coverage of Unemployment Insurance in Iran [Volume 19, Issue 37, 2022, Pages 291-313]
Estimating the Financing Capacity of the Municipality Using the third Sector of the Economy by Issuing Waqf Bonds (Case Study: Qom city) [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 239-266]
Waqf bonds
Estimating the Financing Capacity of the Municipality Using the third Sector of the Economy by Issuing Waqf Bonds (Case Study: Qom city) [Volume 19, Issue 38, 2022, Pages 239-266]
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