Keyword Index


  • Agreement Countries' joint cooperation in transboundary oil and gas fields [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 153-172]


  • Banking Suggesting a Sukuk-based banking model within the law for usury (interest) free banking [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 153-181]
  • Benefit Individual and Public Good from the Perspective of Islam and Competing Schools [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 63-88]
  • Boundary Countries' joint cooperation in transboundary oil and gas fields [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 153-172]


  • Capital market Prioritizing Components of Resistance Economy Related to the Capital Market [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 89-106]
  • Capital market Estimation of the impact of risk resources on Islamic capital market (Case study: Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 61-95]
  • Collective good Individual and Public Good from the Perspective of Islam and Competing Schools [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 63-88]
  • Conventional Economics Analyzing the Impact of Credit Creation in Fractional Reserve Banking on Macroeconomic Variables in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 9-34]
  • Convertible securities of the bank assets Suggesting a Sukuk-based banking model within the law for usury (interest) free banking [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 153-181]
  • Corporate governance Overcoming the Challenges of Management in the Waqf Joint Investment Fund from the Perspective of Corporate Governance [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 131-152]
  • Crowdfunding Designing the banking debt-based crowdfunding platform in Islamic banking framework (usury-free banking) [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 173-204]
  • Crowdsourcing Designing the banking debt-based crowdfunding platform in Islamic banking framework (usury-free banking) [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 173-204]


  • Debt – based crowdfunding Designing the banking debt-based crowdfunding platform in Islamic banking framework (usury-free banking) [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 173-204]
  • Delphi method Prioritizing Components of Resistance Economy Related to the Capital Market [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 89-106]
  • DEMATEL technique Prioritizing Components of Resistance Economy Related to the Capital Market [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 89-106]


  • Extrovert economy Impacts of Knowledge-based economy on trade integration between Islamic countries; Extrovert approach of resistive economy [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 9-31]


  • Financing the housing sector Standard parallel Salaf; an appropriate instrument for financing the housing industry [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 121-151]
  • Fractional reserve banking Analyzing the Impact of Credit Creation in Fractional Reserve Banking on Macroeconomic Variables in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 9-34]
  • Funding Feasibility of Using Waqf Bonds in Financing Municipalities Projects and Examining its Welfare Effects in Comparison with Municipal Tax: A Case Study of Shiraz, Iran [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 35-62]
  • Funding Ijarah Sukuk on creditors' assets; New mechanism to settle government debts through the capital market in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 33-60]
  • Funding Designing the banking debt-based crowdfunding platform in Islamic banking framework (usury-free banking) [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 173-204]


  • Government debts Ijarah Sukuk on creditors' assets; New mechanism to settle government debts through the capital market in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 33-60]
  • Government leasing bonds Ijarah Sukuk on creditors' assets; New mechanism to settle government debts through the capital market in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 33-60]


  • Incentive and punitive policies Overcoming the Challenges of Management in the Waqf Joint Investment Fund from the Perspective of Corporate Governance [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 131-152]
  • Individual Individual and Public Good from the Perspective of Islam and Competing Schools [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 63-88]
  • Individual good Individual and Public Good from the Perspective of Islam and Competing Schools [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 63-88]
  • Institutional economics The evoultion of the concept of 'institution' and its implications for institutional studies of Islamic economics and Iran's economy [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 97-120]
  • Institution of Waqf A Framework for Designing the Waqf based Economics [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 107-130]
  • Institutions The evoultion of the concept of 'institution' and its implications for institutional studies of Islamic economics and Iran's economy [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 97-120]
  • Iran's economy The evoultion of the concept of 'institution' and its implications for institutional studies of Islamic economics and Iran's economy [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 97-120]
  • Islamic bonds (Sukuk) Ijarah Sukuk on creditors' assets; New mechanism to settle government debts through the capital market in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 33-60]
  • Islamic contracts Designing the banking debt-based crowdfunding platform in Islamic banking framework (usury-free banking) [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 173-204]
  • Islamic Economics The evoultion of the concept of 'institution' and its implications for institutional studies of Islamic economics and Iran's economy [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 97-120]
  • Islamic economic system Analyzing the Impact of Credit Creation in Fractional Reserve Banking on Macroeconomic Variables in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 9-34]
  • Islamic finance Ijarah Sukuk on creditors' assets; New mechanism to settle government debts through the capital market in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 33-60]
  • Islamic financial instruments Standard parallel Salaf; an appropriate instrument for financing the housing industry [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 121-151]


  • Joint Cooperation Countries' joint cooperation in transboundary oil and gas fields [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 153-172]


  • Knowledge-based economy Impacts of Knowledge-based economy on trade integration between Islamic countries; Extrovert approach of resistive economy [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 9-31]


  • Law Countries' joint cooperation in transboundary oil and gas fields [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 153-172]
  • Limited banking Analyzing the Impact of Credit Creation in Fractional Reserve Banking on Macroeconomic Variables in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 9-34]


  • Monitoring Overcoming the Challenges of Management in the Waqf Joint Investment Fund from the Perspective of Corporate Governance [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 131-152]
  • Multifactor conditional model Estimation of the impact of risk resources on Islamic capital market (Case study: Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 61-95]
  • Municipality Feasibility of Using Waqf Bonds in Financing Municipalities Projects and Examining its Welfare Effects in Comparison with Municipal Tax: A Case Study of Shiraz, Iran [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 35-62]


  • Nature of money Analyzing the Impact of Credit Creation in Fractional Reserve Banking on Macroeconomic Variables in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 9-34]
  • Network analysis process Prioritizing Components of Resistance Economy Related to the Capital Market [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 89-106]


  • Resistive Economy Impacts of Knowledge-based economy on trade integration between Islamic countries; Extrovert approach of resistive economy [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 9-31]
  • Return Estimation of the impact of risk resources on Islamic capital market (Case study: Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 61-95]
  • Risk Estimation of the impact of risk resources on Islamic capital market (Case study: Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 61-95]


  • Shared field Countries' joint cooperation in transboundary oil and gas fields [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 153-172]
  • Society Individual and Public Good from the Perspective of Islam and Competing Schools [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 63-88]
  • Standard parallel salaf Standard parallel Salaf; an appropriate instrument for financing the housing industry [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 121-151]
  • Sukuk Suggesting a Sukuk-based banking model within the law for usury (interest) free banking [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 153-181]
  • Sukuk Standard parallel Salaf; an appropriate instrument for financing the housing industry [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 121-151]
  • Sukuk ("sharia compliant" bonds) Feasibility of Using Waqf Bonds in Financing Municipalities Projects and Examining its Welfare Effects in Comparison with Municipal Tax: A Case Study of Shiraz, Iran [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 35-62]


  • Tehran Stock Exchange Estimation of the impact of risk resources on Islamic capital market (Case study: Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 61-95]
  • Trade integration Impacts of Knowledge-based economy on trade integration between Islamic countries; Extrovert approach of resistive economy [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 9-31]


  • Unilateral exploitation Countries' joint cooperation in transboundary oil and gas fields [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 153-172]
  • Urban public sector Feasibility of Using Waqf Bonds in Financing Municipalities Projects and Examining its Welfare Effects in Comparison with Municipal Tax: A Case Study of Shiraz, Iran [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 35-62]
  • Usury – free banking Designing the banking debt-based crowdfunding platform in Islamic banking framework (usury-free banking) [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 173-204]


  • Waqf bonds Feasibility of Using Waqf Bonds in Financing Municipalities Projects and Examining its Welfare Effects in Comparison with Municipal Tax: A Case Study of Shiraz, Iran [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 35-62]
  • Waqf demand A Framework for Designing the Waqf based Economics [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 107-130]
  • Waqf economics A Framework for Designing the Waqf based Economics [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 107-130]
  • Waqf funds Overcoming the Challenges of Management in the Waqf Joint Investment Fund from the Perspective of Corporate Governance [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 131-152]
  • Waqf offer A Framework for Designing the Waqf based Economics [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 107-130]